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No Better Time than the Present

Thanks for being one of the three people that took the time to check out this site and read this blog. Although I have had my Studebaker for a few years, I really have not done more than collect parts, manuals, articles, and do a ton of research. I intend on restoring the car back to its original splendor and with all the options it had when it sold in 1953. The restoration will be a multi-year project due to the current condition of the vehicle, my limited knowledge of Studebakers, and the fact that I don't want to spend a fortune on a car that really isn't worth a fortune when it is completed.

When the car is completed I hope to have a matching website that outlines the process and acts as a resource for others who may have an interest in the Starliner or similar Studes.

Since I'm not a fan of cold weather and I have an unheated garage with limited space, not much wrench turning will be done until it warms up here in Eastern Pennsylvania. That means it may be a good time to get this site started and to organize the photos and videos that have been taken of the car.

Have an awesome Studebaker day! ttyl

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