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1953 Studebaker Commander Hardtop Regal (aka Starliner)
Happy 65th Birthday!
The final assembly date of my Studebaker was 65 years ago today! Studebaker World is cool for many reasons. One reason is the ability to...
Chia Pet Starter Set
It was two months after finding the car and I still didn’t have a good understanding of the best way to proceed with the recovery let...
Two Strikes
Beaming with the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning, I returned to the site with my wife Terrie on Saturday April 12, 2014. With a...
A Diamond in the Rust
Why Studebaker and why the 1953 Starliner? In 2009 my wife and I bought a few acres of land with the intention of building a house upon...
Words, Words, Words...
The first thing I did after finding my Studebaker was to go online and try to figure out the usual stuff like year, model,...
No Better Time than the Present
Thanks for being one of the three people that took the time to check out this site and read this blog. Although I have had my Studebaker...
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